πŸ“¦ nlon-websocket

WebSocket adapter for nlon.

Since nlon by itself is not concerned by the actual method of data transfer, adapters can be used to apply the protocol over various media.

This package provides such an adapter for use with WebSockets.

Under the hood, this package uses isomorphic-ws, which delegates to either ws or the browser’s WebSocket implementation, depending on where it’s used.

To see nlon running in the browser, see the websocket-chat example.


  • pnpm: pnpm add @elementbound/nlon-websocket
  • npm: npm i @elementbound/nlon-websocket
  • yarn: yarn add @elementbound/nlon-websocket


This package provides factory methods both for wrapping existing WebSockets or creating new ones.


Wrap an existing server instance:

import { wrapWebSocketServer } from '@elementbound/nlon-websocket'
import ws from 'isomorphic-ws'

const wss = new ws.WebSocketServer({
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 63636

const nlonServer = wrapWebSocketServer(wss)

Create a new WebSocket server and wrap in nlon:

import { createWebSocketServer } from '@elementbound/nlon-websocket'

const nlonServer = createWebSocketServer({
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 63636

Access the WebSocketServer instance behind the nlon Server with nlonServer.server.

These only work in Node, no WebSocket server implementation is available in the browser.


Wrap an existing socket:

import { wrapWebSocketPeer } from '@elementb/nlon-websocket'
import ws from 'isomorphic-ws'

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:63636/')
const nlonPeer = wrapWebSocketPeer(ws)

Connect to WS server and wrap in nlon Peer:

import { createWebSocketPeer } from '@elementb/nlon-websocket'

const nlonPeer = createWebSocketPeer({
  address: 'ws://localhost:63636/'

Access the WebSocket instance behind the nlon Peer with nlonPeer.socket.


  • API docs
    • Or generate your own with JSDoc: pnpm doc


This package is under the MIT License.

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