๐Ÿ” nlon



Error representing an invalid message.


Message class, holding all the data of a well-formed nlon message.


Message error.


Message header.


Peer class.

ReadableCorrespondence โ‡ Correspondence

Server class.


Error representing any kind of stream error.


Error thrown when the correspondence handler doesn't finish the correspondence.

WritableCorrespondence โ‡ Correspondence


defaultExceptionHandler (_peer, correspondence, exception)

Default exception handler.

unknownSubjectHandler (_peer, correspondence)

Default request handler.


CorrespondenceExceptionHandler : function

Correspondence exception handler callback.

CorrespondenceHandler : function

Correspondence handler.

MessageType : MessageType

Enum for message types.

PeerOptions : object
ReadHandler : function

Read handler callback.

Read handlers can be used to specify operations to apply to incoming data. For example they can be used to validate incoming messages.

They are also given access to a context object that is specific to that single message that the read handlers are called on. This can be used to extract useful data based on the message that can be accessed later down the line.

ServerOptions : object




Bidirectional correspondence

Kind: global class

constructor Correspondence

Construct a correspondence.


Correspondence options


Stream this correspondence belongs to


Correspondence header

async Correspondence#all (handlers) โ‡’ AsyncGenerator

Get all incoming data.

This method returns an async generator that will yield every incoming chunk of data. Once the correspondence is finished, the generator will finish.

Additional validations and other operations to apply on the incoming data can be specified in the form of ReadHandlers. Every handler will be called in order.

Note that the read handlers will not be called for the finish message if it has no body. This differs from .next().

While consuming messages this way, the Correspondence won't emit events.

Kind: instance function


Read handlers


  • When receiving an error message

  • If Correspondence not readable

  • If any of the handlers throw

Correspondence#error (err)

Finish correspondence with an error.

This method will send am error message, signifying to the recipient that an error has occurred during processing, and to expect no more data on this correspondence. The error itself will be present as a dedicated field in the response, to convey information to the recipient.

After this call, the correspondence will no longer be writable.

Kind: instance function



Throws: <p>If Correspondence not writable</p>

Correspondence#finish ([data])

Finish correspondence.

This method will send a finish message, signifying to the recipient to no longer expect any data on this correspondence. A body may or may not be present in this message.

After this call, the correspondence will no longer be writable.

Kind: instance function


Response data

Throws: <p>If Correspondence not writable</p>

Correspondence#handle (message)

Handle message.

This method is called from the outside, typically by the Peer or Server, when a message belonging to this instance's correspondence is received. Based on the incoming message, the appropriate event is emitted.

If a finish message is received with data in it, first a data event is emitted, then finish. Thus, subscribing to data only is enough to get noitified of every single incoming chunk.

Kind: instance function


Message received


async Correspondence#next (handlers) โ‡’ Promise.<(any|Symbol)>

Get the next chunk of incoming data.

This method returns a promise that is resolved with the next piece of incoming data.

If the correspondence is finished during the wait, End will be returned. Otherwise, the data chunk is returned as-is.

Additional validations and other operations to apply on the incoming data can be specified in the form of ReadHandlers. Every handler will be called in order. Note that even if the Correspondence is finished, the handlers will be invoked - so if you're expecting a message body, make sure to either include an initial handler validating that, or explicitly check for a message body in your handlers that require it.

While consuming messages this way, the Correspondence won't emit events.

Kind: instance function


Read handlers


  • When receiving an error message

  • If Correspondence not readable

  • If any of the handlers throw

Correspondence#write (data)

Send data message.

This method will send a data message. This method can be called 0 or more times. Each call will send a separate message, making it suitable for streaming data, instead of trying to send all of it in one huge message.

Kind: instance function



Throws: <p>If Correspondence not writable</p>

Correspondence.End : Symbol

Correspondence end symbol.

This symbol is returned during Correspondence reads. It is used to signify that the correspondence has just become unreadable during read.

If the correspondence was already unreadable due to a previous finish or error message, reads throw instead of returning End.

Kind: static member

Correspondence#context : object

Get context.

The correspondence context is an object shared between active ReadHandlers, each of which can freely modify it. This is useful for storing data that can be useful later down the line.

The context object is tied to the current read. You can access it after the read, but it will be reset when the next read operation begins ( .next() or .all() ).

Kind: instance member

Correspondence#header : MessageHeader

Get correspondence header.

When reading with the correspondence, this field will contain the header of the last message received.

When writing, this field will contain the configured header, and will be used as the header of every message sent.

Kind: instance member

Correspondence#readable : boolean

Check if correspondence is readable.

A correspondence is readable as long as it has not received either a finish or an error message. Both of these messages signify that no more data should be expected on this correspondence.

Kind: instance member

Correspondence#writable : boolean

Check if correspondence is writable.

A correspondence is writable as long as it has not sent either a finish or an error message. Both of these messages signify that no more data should be expected on this correspondence.

Kind: instance member


Event emitted when the correspondence is closed.

The correspondence is considered closed when it becomes both unreadable and unwritable. In practice, this happens when peers on both ends of the correspondence close it, either by sending an error or a finish message.

Kind: instance event

Correspondence#event:data : any

Event emitted whenever a data message is received on the correspondence.

Only the response body will be emitted ( which may be undefined! ), as the header can be queried from the correspondence itself, and shouldn't influence processing after the initial message.

Kind: instance event

Correspondence#event:error : CorrespondenceError

Event emitted whenever an error message is received on the correspondence.

This indicates that no more data is to be expected on this correspondence, since it has terminated with an error.

Kind: instance event


Event emitted whenever a finish message is received on the correspondence.

This indicates that no more data is to be expected on this correspondence, and that it has concluded successfully.

Kind: instance event


Error thrown when an error message is received over a correspondence.

Kind: global class

constructor CorrespondenceError

Construct an error.


CorrespondenceError#type : string

A short string indicating the error type.

Kind: instance member


Error representing an invalid message.

Invalid messages are JSON strings that can be parsed as such, but do not conform to nlon's protocol, for example missing header, correspondenceId or subject.

Kind: global class

constructor InvalidMessageError

Construct an error.


Stream the invalid message was received on


Parsed JSON content


Error message

InvalidMessageError#content : object

Parsed JSON content

Kind: instance member

InvalidMessageError#stream : stream.Duplex

Stream the invalid message was received on

Kind: instance member


Message class, holding all the data of a well-formed nlon message.

Messages belong to correspondences, similar to how emails can be organized into threads. Each correspondence begins with an initial message, to which multiple data responses may arrive, and finished with either an error or a finish message.

Each correspondence has an ID so that messages can be easily grouped by correspondence. This is specified in the message header.

To determine how to process the message, the message header also contains a subject, similar to HTTP's path.

Kind: global class

constructor Message

Construct a message.



Message.validate (message)

Validate a message.

Kind: static function


Message to validate

Throws: <p>On invalid messages</p>

Message#body : any

Message body

Kind: instance member

Message#error : MessageError

Message error

If present, the body should be missing and can be safely ignored.

Kind: instance member

Message#header : MessageHeader

Message header

Kind: instance member

Message#type : MessageType

Message type

Kind: instance member


Message error.

Represents an error description in case the original message's processing failed.

It contains a short description of the issue, useful for programmatic use, and a longer description, to be used for any human-facing use cases.

Kind: global class

constructor MessageError

Construct an error.



MessageError#message : string

An arbitrary string indicating the error message.

Kind: instance member

MessageError#type : string

A short string indicating the error type.

Kind: instance member


Message header.

A message header all the information necessary to match the message to a correspondence, interpret the message body ( if any ) and decide how to process the message.

Kind: global class

constructor MessageHeader

Construct a header.



MessageHeader.validate (header)

Validate a message header.

Kind: static function


Header to validate

Throws: <p>On invalid headers</p>

MessageHeader#authorization : string

An optional authorization string. Its use is entirely dependent on the application.


Kind: instance member

MessageHeader#correspondenceId : string

Correspondence ID, to track request-response pairs.

Always required.

Kind: instance member

MessageHeader#subject : string

Subject of the correspondence, letting the recipient know what action to perform.

Similar to HTTP's path.

Always required.

Kind: instance member


Peer class.

The peer class attaches to a single connection and manages correspondences on it. This includes both initiating new correspondences by sending a message and reacting to incoming correspondences.

Each incoming message is picked up by the peer and associated with a known Correspondence instance, if any exists. If it is an entirely new correspondence, it is emitted as a correspondence event.

Any and all errors both occurring during processing and coming from the underlying stream will be propagated through the error event.

Note that the Peer itself does not know about the particulars of its underlying connection - as long as it can be used as a stream.Duplex it will function fine. This enables factory methods to create peers on TCP sockets, WebSockets, or even adapt other types.

Kind: global class

constructor Peer

Construct a peer.





Peer#correspond (header) โ‡’ Correspondence

Initiate a new correspondence, ready to send data.

A new Correspondence instance will be created, but no message will be sent over it. However, the header itself will be validated, to make sure that the Correspondence can actually be used to send messages.

This is the preferred method to start new correspondences.

The header gets a generated correspondenceId if not set, so you can do the following and get a valid correspondence:

peer.correspond({ subject: 'test' })

NOTE: No message will be sent, you'll need to call the Correspondence's methods ( e.g. write ) to actually send any data.

Kind: instance function


Header used for the correspondence


Peer#disconnect ()

Disconnect peer.

Afther this call, the peer won't listen to any more incoming messages and won't be able to send any traffic.

It is considered an error to send anything after the peer is disconnected.

Note that the underlying stream will not be closed.

Kind: instance function

Peer#receive () โ‡’ Promise.<Correspondence>

Get the next new correspondence.

Kind: instance function

Throws: PeerDisconnectedError <p>If disconnected</p>

Peer#send (message) โ‡’ Correspondence

Initiate a new correspondence by sending a message.

The message is validated before sending and its corresponednce ID will be associated with the returned instance. Any incoming replies will be passed to the correspondence for processing.

Using this method to send multiple messages on the same correspondence is discouraged, as it will lead to pointlessly creating multiple correspondence instances for the same correspondence.

Kind: instance function




Peer#id : string

Peer ID, used primarily for logging.

Kind: instance member

Peer#isConnected : boolean

Whether the Peer is connected.

Kind: instance member

Peer#stream : stream.Duplex


Returns undefined if the Peer is disconnected

Kind: instance member

Peer#event:connect : stream.Duplex

Event emitted upon successful connection by the peer.

In practice this means that after this point the peer can send and receive messages. This may or may not correspond to a background operation, depending on the nature of the connection.

The stream itself is emitted upon which the peer will transfer messages.

Kind: instance event

Peer#event:correspondence : IncomingCorrespondence

Event emitted when the peer receives a new correspondence.

This happens whenever the peer receives a message with a correspondence ID that does not belong to an already existing IncomingCorrespondence, in which case a new instance is created and emitted as event data.

Kind: instance event

Peer#event:disconnect : stream.Duplex

Event emitted when the peer disconnects.

This might happen after a Peer#disconnect call, or when the peer's underlying stream is closed for whatever reason.

Consistently with the Server events, the stream is emitted as event data.

Kind: instance event

Peer#event:error : Error

Event emitted when the peer encounters an error.

This error may either come from the underlying stream itself or from the peer's own message processing logic.

Kind: instance event


Error thrown when trying to send / receive on a peer that's already disconnected.

Kind: global class


Error emitted when any of the Server's managed peers encounter an error.

Kind: global class

constructor PeerError

Construct error.


Peer encountering error


Encountered error


Error message

PeerError#peer : Peer

Peer that encountered the error.

Kind: instance member

ReadableCorrespondence โ‡ Correspondence

Read-only correspondence

Kind: global class

Extends: Correspondence

constructor ReadableCorrespondence


ReadableCorrespondence.wrap (correspondence) โ‡’ ReadableCorrespondence

Wrap a correspondence as read-only

This method will return a read-only proxy to the target correspondence. This also means that if either the original or the proxy correspondence becomes unreadable, both of them become unwritable.

Kind: static function


Target correspondence

async ReadableCorrespondence#all (handlers) โ‡’ AsyncGenerator

Get all incoming data.

This method returns an async generator that will yield every incoming chunk of data. Once the correspondence is finished, the generator will finish.

Additional validations and other operations to apply on the incoming data can be specified in the form of ReadHandlers. Every handler will be called in order.

Note that the read handlers will not be called for the finish message if it has no body. This differs from .next().

While consuming messages this way, the Correspondence won't emit events.

Kind: instance function


Read handlers


  • When receiving an error message

  • If Correspondence not readable

  • If any of the handlers throw

ReadableCorrespondence#handle (message)

Handle message.

This method is called from the outside, typically by the Peer or Server, when a message belonging to this instance's correspondence is received. Based on the incoming message, the appropriate event is emitted.

If a finish message is received with data in it, first a data event is emitted, then finish. Thus, subscribing to data only is enough to get noitified of every single incoming chunk.

Kind: instance function


Message received


async ReadableCorrespondence#next (handlers) โ‡’ Promise.<(any|Symbol)>

Get the next chunk of incoming data.

This method returns a promise that is resolved with the next piece of incoming data.

If the correspondence is finished during the wait, End will be returned. Otherwise, the data chunk is returned as-is.

Additional validations and other operations to apply on the incoming data can be specified in the form of ReadHandlers. Every handler will be called in order. Note that even if the Correspondence is finished, the handlers will be invoked - so if you're expecting a message body, make sure to either include an initial handler validating that, or explicitly check for a message body in your handlers that require it.

While consuming messages this way, the Correspondence won't emit events.

Kind: instance function


Read handlers


  • When receiving an error message

  • If Correspondence not readable

  • If any of the handlers throw

ReadableCorrespondence#context : object

Get context.

The correspondence context is an object shared between active ReadHandlers, each of which can freely modify it. This is useful for storing data that can be useful later down the line.

The context object is tied to the current read. You can access it after the read, but it will be reset when the next read operation begins ( .next() or .all() ).

Kind: instance member


Event emitted when the correspondence is closed.

The correspondence is considered closed when it becomes both unreadable and unwritable. In practice, this happens when peers on both ends of the correspondence close it, either by sending an error or a finish message.

Kind: instance event

ReadableCorrespondence#event:data : any

Event emitted whenever a data message is received on the correspondence.

Only the response body will be emitted ( which may be undefined! ), as the header can be queried from the correspondence itself, and shouldn't influence processing after the initial message.

Kind: instance event

ReadableCorrespondence#event:error : CorrespondenceError

Event emitted whenever an error message is received on the correspondence.

This indicates that no more data is to be expected on this correspondence, since it has terminated with an error.

Kind: instance event


Event emitted whenever a finish message is received on the correspondence.

This indicates that no more data is to be expected on this correspondence, and that it has concluded successfully.

Kind: instance event


Server class.

The server class listens on a set of streams and for any incoming message:

  1. Parses it as JSON
  2. Validates it as a Message
  3. Calls the appropriate handlers based on its subject

In case no handler is registered for the incoming message's subject, the default handler will be called.

In case an exception occurred during processing, the exception handlers will be called. During this process, if the correspondence becomes finished at any point, the loop is broken and the message's processing will be finished.

Note that the Server itself is not aware of the type of stream - it can be a file, a TCP Socket, a Websocket, or anything else that can function as a Duplex. This also means that the Server cannot 'listen' on a socket. Instead, any amount of streams can be added with the connect method. In case any of the streams become inactive, they can be removed with the disconnect method.

This setup lends itself to a Server implementation that is not concerned with the particulars of the underlying streams, and external factory methods that adapt the specific Duplex implementations to something the Server can manage.

Kind: global class

constructor Server

Construct a server.



Server#configure (configurer)

Configure the server.

This method expects a method that can be called with the server as the only argument. This makes it possible to export "bundles" of handlers without depending on the actual server instance.

Kind: instance function


Configuration function


// userHandlers.mjs
  userHandlers (server) {
    server.handle('user/login', (correspondence, ctx) => { ... })
    server.handle('user/logout', (correspondence, ctx) => { ... })

  // index.mjs
  import { userHandlers } from 'userHandlers.mjs'

  const server = new Server(...)

Server#connect (stream)

Connect a stream to the server, listening to its incoming messages.

Internally, the stream will be piped before listening to its 'data' events. Any errors encountered on either the original or the piped stream will result in an error event on the Server instance.

After every connected stream, a 'connect' event will be emitted with the stream as event data.

In case the stream becomes closed, it will be disconnected automatically, emitting a 'disconnect' event.

Kind: instance function



Fires: Server#event:connect

Server#defaultHandler (handler)

Set default handler.

The default handler is called in case no request handler is registered for the incoming message's subject.

By default, unknownSubjectHandler is registered as the default handler.

Kind: instance function


Default handler

Server#disconnect (stream)

Disconnect the stream, no longer listening to messages coming from it.

Additionally, a 'disconnect' event is also emitted with the disconnected stream as event data.

Kind: instance function



Fires: Server#event:disconnect

Server#handle (subject, handler)

Register a correspondence handler.

To process incoming messages, handlers are selected based on the message's subject.

If the given subject already has a handler, a warning message will be logged.

Kind: instance function




Correspondence handler

Server#handleException (handlers)

Register a request exception handler.

Exception handlers are called in case an exception is thrown during message processing. Multiple exception handlers may be registered, and will be called from most recently registered to least recently registered.

This reverse order is implemented because a catch-all exception handler is always registered, which must be run last.

Kind: instance function


Exception handlers

Server#peers : Array.<Peer>

Get all peers connected to this server.

This always return a new copy.

Kind: instance member

Server#stream : any

Get main stream as set by constructor.

For instances that listen on an underlying connection ( e.g. sockets ), this can return that stream. In other cases, where the instance gets streams attached from external sources, this can be undefined.

The actual value depends on the adapter implementation or constructor parameters.

Kind: instance member


Event emitted when a new peer is connected to the server.

Kind: instance event


Stream connected




Event emitted when a peer is disconnected.

Kind: instance event


Stream connected




Event emitted when an error is encountered by a connected peer or during message processing.

Kind: instance event




Error representing any kind of stream error.

Stream errors are thrown when the incoming message cannot be parsed as JSON, or in case any other error is emitted by the stream.

Kind: global class

constructor StreamingError

Construct an error.


Stream the error was received on


Error emitted by the stream

StreamingError#cause : any

Error emitted by the stream

Kind: instance member

StreamingError#stream : stream.Duplex

Stream the error was received on

Kind: instance member


Error thrown when the correspondence handler doesn't finish the correspondence.

Kind: global class

constructor UnfinishedCorrespondenceError

Construct an error.


Unfinished correspondence

UnfinishedCorrespondenceError#correspondence : Correspondence

The correspondence left unfinished

Kind: instance member


Error thrown when attempting to read from an unreadable correspondence.

Kind: global class

constructor UnreadableCorrespondenceError

Construct an error.



UnreadableCorrespondenceError#correspondence : Correspondence


Kind: instance member


Error thrown when attempting to write to an unwritable correspondence.

Kind: global class

constructor UnwritableCorrespondenceError

Construct an error.



UnwritableCorrespondenceError#correspondence : Correspondence


Kind: instance member

WritableCorrespondence โ‡ Correspondence

Write-only correspondence

Kind: global class

Extends: Correspondence

constructor WritableCorrespondence

WritableCorrespondence.wrap (correspondence) โ‡’ WritableCorrespondence

Wrap a correspondence as write-only

This method will return a write-only proxy to the target correspondence. This also means that if either the original or the proxy correspondence becomes unwritable, both of them become unwritable.

Kind: static function


Target correspondence

WritableCorrespondence#error (err)

Finish correspondence with an error.

This method will send am error message, signifying to the recipient that an error has occurred during processing, and to expect no more data on this correspondence. The error itself will be present as a dedicated field in the response, to convey information to the recipient.

After this call, the correspondence will no longer be writable.

Kind: instance function



Throws: <p>If Correspondence not writable</p>

WritableCorrespondence#finish ([data])

Finish correspondence.

This method will send a finish message, signifying to the recipient to no longer expect any data on this correspondence. A body may or may not be present in this message.

After this call, the correspondence will no longer be writable.

Kind: instance function


Response data

Throws: <p>If Correspondence not writable</p>

WritableCorrespondence#write (data)

Send data message.

This method will send a data message. This method can be called 0 or more times. Each call will send a separate message, making it suitable for streaming data, instead of trying to send all of it in one huge message.

Kind: instance function



Throws: <p>If Correspondence not writable</p>


Event emitted when the correspondence is closed.

The correspondence is considered closed when it becomes both unreadable and unwritable. In practice, this happens when peers on both ends of the correspondence close it, either by sending an error or a finish message.

Kind: instance event

WritableCorrespondence#event:data : any

Event emitted whenever a data message is received on the correspondence.

Only the response body will be emitted ( which may be undefined! ), as the header can be queried from the correspondence itself, and shouldn't influence processing after the initial message.

Kind: instance event

WritableCorrespondence#event:error : CorrespondenceError

Event emitted whenever an error message is received on the correspondence.

This indicates that no more data is to be expected on this correspondence, since it has terminated with an error.

Kind: instance event


Event emitted whenever a finish message is received on the correspondence.

This indicates that no more data is to be expected on this correspondence, and that it has concluded successfully.

Kind: instance event

defaultExceptionHandler (_peer, correspondence, exception)

Default exception handler.

This exception handler is always registered and serves as a catch-all exception handler. It will try to extract the exception's name and message to be used as error type and message. Otherwise it will fall back to a generic 'UnknownError' without message.

Kind: global function






Exception occurred

unknownSubjectHandler (_peer, correspondence)

Default request handler.

This handler should be registered as a default handler, in cases where no handlers are registered for the message subject. The response will always be the following:

  "header": {
    // original header

  "type": "err",

  "error": {
    "type": "UnknownSubject",
    "message": "Unknown subject: <subject>"

Kind: global function





CorrespondenceExceptionHandler : function

Correspondence exception handler callback.

Exception handlers are called in cases when an exception is thrown during correspondence processing. When encountering an exception, all of the registered exception handlers are called, meaning that an exception might go through multiple exception handlers.

In turn, each exception handler may decide if they are applicable to the given correspondence ( e.g. based on subject ) and error, and if so, send a response on the correspondence.

If the correspondence is finished by any of the exception handlers, the rest of them will not be invoked.

Asynchronous exception handlers are supported. If an exception handler returns a promise, it will be awaited before moving on to the next exception handler.

NOTE: If a correpsondence is not finished ( either by calling .finish or .error ) even after all the applicable handlers have been called, an error will be emitted. Leaving correspondences unfinished is bad practice.

Kind: global typedef


Peer on the other end of the correspondence


Correspondence being processed


Exception occurred

CorrespondenceHandler : function

Correspondence handler.

Correspondence handlers are responsible for processing any new incoming correspondences. They are given access to the correspondence instance, which can then be used to iterate over the incoming data and send back any replies as necessary.

Async correspondence handlers are supported.

Any exception thrown during a correspondence handler's run will be caught and passed to the exception handlers.

Kind: global typedef


Peer on the other end of the correspondence


Received correspondence

See: Correspondence

MessageType : MessageType

Enum for message types.

Every message must belong to one of the following message types:

  • Data
    • Carries a piece of data belonging to the correspondence.
    • May occur 0 or more times in a correspondence.
  • Error
    • Signifies that an error occurred during message processing.
    • No more messages should be expected in the correspondence.
  • Finish
    • Signifies that the correspondence has been closed, message has been processed successfully.
    • No more messages should be expected in the correspondence.

Additionally, a special Request type exists. A message is a request in case its the first message belonging to a correspondence. In this case, the type field is not specified.

Kind: global typedef

PeerOptions : object

Kind: global typedef




Logging level


Peer ID, used for logging

ReadHandler : function

Read handler callback.

Read handlers can be used to specify operations to apply to incoming data. For example they can be used to validate incoming messages.

They are also given access to a context object that is specific to that single message that the read handlers are called on. This can be used to extract useful data based on the message that can be accessed later down the line.

Kind: global typedef


Message body


Message header


Message context


const data = await correspondence.next(
  // Make sure there's an auth string in the header, otherwise throw
  // Extract user object and store in context

// We can grab the user from the correspondence context, where
//`requireValidUser` saved it
const { user } = correspondence.context

// Then do whatever we need with the extracted data

ServerOptions : object

Kind: global typedef




Log level


Root connection stream


Duplex stream.

Kind: global external

See: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#class-streamduplex

results matching ""

    No results matching ""